If the Earth was a Landlord and we were her Tenants, would you renew our lease?
If you had a Tenant, who lived in your Home,
Who had no regard for maintaining your Environment,
From stripping it of its resources,
From making it an uninhabitable place to live,
Would you renew their lease?
If you had a Tenant, who lived in your Home,
That polluted your water source,
That filled your space with sewage and toxic waste,
That filled your air with poisonous gases,
Would you renew their lease?
If you had a Tenant, who lived in your Home,
Who destroyed and disrespected nearly every aspect of your Habitat,
Who had little regard or wantonly killed others living within your Environment,
Who burned your gardens to the ground and abused you for your resources alone,
Would you renew their lease?
As Tenants of the Earth, how would we rate ourselves?
Would your lease be renewed or would you soon be evicted?
We are all members of this Home we call Earth.
We can all choose to either hurt or heal.
As part of a Global Family, we all have and only have this one Home, Planet Earth.
Happy Earth Day! Here's to being the healthiest Tenants we can be.
Best of health for now and to future generations,
Paul Radkowski
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