Tuesday, February 10, 2009

So whether you’re hitting the bottle, casino, crack pipe or credit card…

It may seem quite obvious why someone would be addicted to substances like alcohol, meth, coke, heroin etc, but how does it work with a “behavioural addiction” i.e. shop-aholic, gambling, self cutting, anger etc? Well, I did a bit of research and found some amazing facts about behavioural addictions that just might surprise you.

Did you know that some of the latest brain imaging and mapping techniques suggest that the brain/body can’t really tell the difference between whether you’re getting “fired up” with booze/cocaine, or, whether you’re getting “juiced up” from overdoing it at the casino, or at the shopping mall?

Neuro-chemically (juices in the brain) you’re still getting a “hit of stuff”. The hit is usually a great big dose of dopamine and seratonin the “feel good” chemicals produced by the emotional part of your brain… the limbic system (meso-telencephalic dopamine system).

So, regardless of whether you’re hitting the casino, the bottle, crack pipe or credit card… you will experience the same neuro-chemical and physiological response with all of them. There is a closer link with all of these than many would think.

Best of health and warmest regards, Paul Radkowski



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