Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Act As If- You Are Your Healthiest Self

A powerful way to achieve greater health and recovery is to... "ACT AS IF" you are already fully healthy and recovered.

"ACT AS IF" ... you are already at the ideal weight and physical health you want to be. "ACT AS IF" you already have the healthy self esteem & relationships you want to have. "ACT AS IF" you are already engaging in healthy behaviours & choices, right now.

People like Oprah, Lance Armstrong and President Obama "acted as if" they were already in a position of influence and power and look where they are now.

I want you to "ACT AS IF" you have already arrived to a place of optimal health & performance. As you now do this, "ACTing AS IF," ... how would you talk to others? What would you say to yourself on a regular basis? What would you carry in your purse or briefcase? What wouldn't you carry in your purse or briefcase? "ACT AS IF."

When you now "ACT AS IF" (you're already your healthiest self)... you are powerfully creating an attitude, expectation and behaviour that now creates a healthier reality. If nothing else, you owe it to yourself to give it a try!

Recovery is about working on ways that you can begin to behave toward new ways of believing and to believe toward new ways of behaving. Your beliefs can change your behaviour. Likewise, your behaviour can change your beliefs.

Recovery is about working on changes both inside and out. Whether it starts on the inside (with your beliefs) or the outside (with your behaviours), they each effect the other especially when you work on both at the same time. When your beliefs and behaviours are congruent with each other, this is known as "praxis". Praxis is the integration of belief with behaviour and as you begin to live life in this way, your brain will re-wire and re-integrate itself to reflect the healthier thoughts and habits you are now creating.

Be gentle, recovery is about honouring your needs and not your indulgences. What is your need? Feeling lonely, lost, bored, unattractive, flawed etc. A need is like thirst, it's not "good" or "bad" it just is. It's what you do with that need that counts. How can you meet that need in a way that is in your highest interest? In what ways can you now "Act As If" you are choosing, believing and behaving in ways that are in congruence with YOUR healthiest self?

So "ACT AS IF" you are where you've always dreamed of being. "ACT AS IF" your are completely recovered, healthy, happy and living your best and most fulfilling life.

Make a contract with yourself right now....

I will now "ACT AS IF...." in the following ways:____________________________________________________

We want to make a difference during these tough economic times so for the first half of 2009 we are offering a "Pay What You Can" option.

Best of health and warmest regards, Paul Radkowski

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