Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Stress, Anxiety and the Joyous Life

Children, teens, adults, seniors, absolutely everyone is affected by the stressors of life. Even up and coming singing sensation Susan Boyle has recently experienced the impacts of stress and taken to hospital. Cell phones, Internet, i-phones, blackberries, TV, the day to day demands of work, school, friends and family, feelings of loneliness, aloneness, grief, depression, anxiety, hopelessness and feeling lost, all impact our well being. The day to day pressures of life leave us with little room to stop and relax.

Yet, if we don't stop and breathe ... we will not recharge. Breathing is such an automatic thing yet when done properly it can be a very powerful way to decrease stress and anxiety. It is another effective stress reduction tool. It is a great way to ground yourself, rebalance and centre yourself. We tend to "shallow breathe" when we are upset or stressed. If you've been there and I know you have, ...pause and do this simple exercise.

Take a full, deep breath in from your diaphram, expand your rib cage and allow your lungs to fill up with oxygen. Breathe slowly and completely in through your nose. Now hold your breath for about 4-5 seconds, then exhale through your mouth, slowly. Do this several times in a row whenever you're feeling overwhelmed, anxious or stressed and you will find your body rebalancing itself.

So, where does the joy of life come from. It comes from seeing beyond yourself and your circumstance(s) and also from looking within. It comes from recognizing that joy stems from an internal awarenes, that who I am is ok. It comes from changing unhealthy thoughts that result in increased anxiety or stress. It is about awareness of your needs and meeting them on a moment by moment basis i.e. self-care.

Have you checked in with yourself today? Have you exercised today? Have you taken some deep healthy breaths? Have you reached out for support? When life seems like too much to handle ... take the time to ask yourself, "What do I need right now?" Self-care and truly experiencing joy and self-acceptance, comes from knowing when to reach out beyond yourself and getting the support you need.

You're worth it!

Best of health and warmest regards, Paul Radkowski

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