Wednesday, April 6, 2011

"Drunkorexia" A Disturbing Trend

Hi there

Paul Radkowski here from the Life Recovery Program returning after a long break from blogging.

Here is a short video regarding some of the concerns and dangers of "Drunkorexia" which is becoming more common especially among college age drinkers.

Many college and university students are swapping food for alcohol. "Drunkorexia" refers to the growing trend of young people restricting the amount of calories they take in during the day to make up for the empty calories consumed through alcohol.

Research has shown that binge drinking (especially for women) can lead to other severe issues like anorexia.

Starving yourself while binge drinking is kind of like playing Russian Roulette with a gun that is fully loaded.

Please do what you can to inform yourself, stop and prevent this behaviour from trending further.

Best of health, Paul Radkowski

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