Saturday, November 15, 2008

Hope Even When Stressed

Often times the only way to get through the day, is to take it one moment at a time. Life can be a moment by moment experience and yet, when you focus on hope, on life beyond your stress, your circumstance, you will find that things aren't quite as stressful as they were a moment ago. You won't feel quite so overwhelmed.

Have you ever felt so exhausted, overwhelmed, afraid and unsure about what was happening in your life, and wondered how can I find hope in the middle of all of this stuff that's going on in my life? Well, as hard as it may be to focus on something other than your circumstance, the key to finding hope in stress is to focus on things that bring you a sense of calm, peace. Hope comes when we realize that what is happening to us right now, ... will pass. You will get through this, it just takes time.

Try these helpful grounding tools to shift focus so that you can choose hope: ... 1) breathe -take 5 deep full breaths, 2.) call a friend, 3.) watch a funny movie, 4.) go for a walk or 5.) take a warm bath. Believe it or not shifting our focus and choosing not to focus on the stress in our lives enables us to feel hopeful because it gives us a chance to regroup/ground ourselves and gain clarity so that we can DO something different and get unstuck.

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