Saturday, November 8, 2008

Stress and Destructive Habits

Many people don't realize that the stress in our lives can cause us to cope by using a variety of not so healthy things, to soothe ourselves, to try to make ourselves feel better. Life is stress and yet for many, how to manage it, has become something that not only destroys the stressed person's life but also those closest to that person.

Did you know that some folks try to deal with their stress through such things as drinking, shopping, cutting, drugs, porn, gambling or even eating too much or too little? Many people, especially women are familiar with the notion of "emotional eating." However, managing stress in this way can lead to disordered eating which may lead to a variety of health problems either now or in future. Sadly, from a very young age, many are taught that when you're hurting, a cookie will make you feel better, while others have learned over time, that toxic relationships, the Internet/porn, gaming or other destructive behaviours are ways to help "not feel" the emotional pain caused by the stress or even trauma in their lives.

Other ways that people destructively cope with stress or trauma may be by using drugs, sex, cutting (to stop the emotional pain or, somehow feel alive) alcohol, gambling, excessive shopping, angry outbursts or any number of things to try to help themselves feel better and/or release bottled up emotions. None of these things have any long lasting healing effect on the feelings caused be chronic stress or a traumatic past, which is why the behaviour continues and for some gets worse.

Many of us are unaware of the destructive nature of our habits, they sneak up on us so suddenly. Often times it takes someone close to us to tell us that what we're doing is pretty destructive. Most people don't realize that such behaviours can be defined as addictive patterns of behaviour. That's right, an addiction, hard to believe but it is true.

On the site called the All Addictions Life Recovery Program, Paul, the psychotherapist and founder of the program, states that the majority of folks don't realize that an addiction is any behaviour we cannot stop, that has destructive consequences ( And often times we dismiss these behaviours as "not that bad" or something that "only affects me." As a result we may hide our pain in shame and use to soothe. We may be coping by engaging in an addictive behaviour and not even realize that that is what it is.

I would suggest you do the simple two question assessment self test on the Life Recovery Program site to see if perhaps you need to take an honest look at stress and it's impact on your life. You may be battling an addiction and not even realize it. Perhaps it's time for you to take charge of your life rather than allowing the stressors of life to take charge of you. We only have one life, why not make every moment a healthy and delightful one.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Stress affects our life in many ways. Problems may occur due to physical strain or mental strain or due to some habits in our life. Reducing stress, anxiety and depression can be achieved by changing those habits. Here are some stress management tips to avoid stress habits.