Thursday, February 5, 2009

What's An Addiction?

Howdy folks,

My name is Paul and I am a Family therapist and Crisis/Trauma/Addictions specialist. Throughout the past, addictions have been defined as a… disease, as a moral deficiency, as something based on a level of tolerance and withdrawal to a substance, as a maladaptive pattern of behaviour, lack of “will power”, as a character defect… etc….etc… I’m sure I’m leaving a lot of other “definitions” out.

As an addictions specialist, setting up programs for various treatment centres and government agencies, I believe Dr. Jerome Jaffe said it best… an addiction is “A pattern of compulsive behaviour which results in serious negative consequences for the individual, who, in spite of these consequences, continues the behaviour” Or, simply put… a behaviour you cannot stop, that results in destructive consequences.

Now, this definition has been around for over 20 years and is perhaps one of the most powerful definitions of addiction. This definition can apply to ANY behaviour. Many people associate addiction with a substance like alcohol, drugs, smoking etc. The definition of addiction I believe changes the playing field. Some more obvious examples would be… gambling, shopping, eating etc. Other less obvious examples would be… anger, toxic relationships…etc. What are some examples that you know and may be struggling with?

What might be some of the addictive behaviour(s) you are you struggling with? Does this defintion of addictions as “ANY behaviour you cannot stop, that results in destructive consequences” change the was you see things? Does it change the way you view what is an addiction? Do you find yourself falling within this definition???

So… feel free to write to me and share with others and myself, what your thoughts are? Share what has worked and what hasn’t worked for you. I will share some of the things that I have learned and have seen work time and time again in hopes of providing hope, support and help for folks in our global community.

You can also visit my site to learn more about Addiction Recovery

An inspired path, is an enlightened one.

warm regards & best of health,
Paul Radkowski, MTS, IAAOC

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